Monday, August 22, 2011

Mun Fall 2011 Computer Science Team Games

Each Fall semester at Memorial University's Computer Science Department an ACM style team competition is held. These competitions are very similar to the singles competitions with the exception that teams consist of three students and the challenges are more difficult. To help boost interest in this Fall semester's team games I've gone ahead and provided the CS department with some additional prizes.

The Prizes!
Third Place: Each team member will receive a Mun market bag, 24 sleeve CD/DVD binder,  air duster,  USB card reader, 12 pack box of pens, and a copy of O'Reilly Java Pocket Reference.
Second Place: Each team member will receive a Mun market bag, 24 sleeve CD/DVD binder, package of cord wraps, Mun logo pen, USB card reader, air duster, and a copy of O'Reilly C++ Pocket Reference.

First Place: Each team member will receive a Mun market bag, 48 sleeve CD/DVD binder,  tin of BBQ Pringles, Ubuntu 11.04 Server Install Disc, copy of IEEE Spectrum, and large tin of instant coffee. The first place team also gets to advance to the next round of the competition (see Mun CS department for more details).
The Fall 2011 CS Team Games are tentatively scheduled for September 23rd, in room EN2036 at 5pm. When a link to the information regarding competition rules, and other details becomes available I'll update this post.

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