Tuesday, November 18, 2014

KTop update and OpenDaylight MDSAL Status command!

KTop Enhancements!
We're happy to announce our latest Milestone release of the Aetos KTop command for Apache Karaf 3 based containers.

This latest revision includes:

  • Improved CPU time reporting,
  • Pressing q to quit,
  • Sorting column change via left and right arrow keys, and
  • Reverse sort by pressing r key.

Under the hood we've also made several bug fixes, and runtime performance improvements.

Sweet! How do I get this latest version?

We've published our new MileStone release to Maven Central: http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cctop

You can also grab it from GitHub:

Source tag link:

If you're using an Apache Karaf 3.0.x based system (such as Aetos 3.0.2), you can install this MileStone release using the following Karaf console command:
install -s mvn:com.savoirtech.karaf.commands/ctop/0.2.0.M1

Feedback is welcome! Please submit any ideas, enhancements, bugs to the project issue tracker: https://github.com/savoirtech/ctop/issues

So, tell us about this MDSAL Status command!

MDSAL:Status - a live feed of how MDSAL is operating.
The OpenDaylight community recently ported their project to live on top of Apache Karaf 3 with their Helium release. To help spur development of new OpenDaylight Karaf commands we've built a simple Model Driven Service Abstraction Layer status command to demonstrate how Karaf's console can empower developers and operators to create their own monitoring tools.

So what does MDSAL Status do?

The MDSAL Status commands provides an updated view of MDSAL metrics, including:

  • ConfigRegistry version and health,
  • DOMDataBroker statistics, and
  • Metrics for CommitExecuter (CE), CommitFutureExecutor (CFE), InMemoryConfigDataStore (IMCDS), and InMemoryOperationalDataStore (IMODS).

The metrics table is of particular interest, providing live updates of ten tracked attributes, including:

  • ActiveThreadCount,
  • CompletedTaskCount,
  • CurrentQueueSize,
  • CurrentThreadPoolSize,
  • LargestQueueSize,
  • LargestThreadPoolSize,
  • MaxQueueSize,
  • MaxThreadPoolSize,
  • RejectedTaskCount, and
  • TotalTaskCount.

These values are obtained from MBeans provided by the OpenDaylight controller. The Karaf console provides the mechanisms to allow users to view these metrics without having to use additional external tooling.

Sweet! How do I get this latest version?

We've published a MileStone release to Maven Central:

You can also grab it from GitHub:

Source tag link:

On OpenDaylight Helium based distributions, you can install this MileStone release using the following Karaf console command:
install -s mvn:com.savoirtech.karaf.commands/mdsal-status/0.1.0.M1

How do I use MDSAL Status once installed? 

The status command requires users to have the MDSAL feature installed in their container at runtime. Once MDSAL is available, the MDSAL Status command will become functional.

To execute command on Helium, invoke:

To exit status, press control + c or q to quit.

Feedback is welcome! Please submit any ideas, enhancements, bugs to the project issue tracker:

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