Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Apache Karaf 2.3.2 Released!

The Apache Karaf team is pleased to announce the availability of Apache Karaf 2.3.2.

In this patch update to the 2.3.x line contains multiple bug fixes, improvements, and dependency updates including; restored IBM Java compatibility, DirectoryWatcher for deploy folder now waits for framework start level to reach 60, BundleWatcher now waits for refresh to be finished before updating another bundle, CXF DOSGI feature now included in Karaf repos config, HTTP feature now installs a default web config file, and dependency updates to Spring 3.2.3.RELEASE, Pax Web 1.1.14, Aries Transaction Blueprint 1.0.1, and Pax Url 1.3.6.

For more information please see the release notes.

As discussed in my prior Apache Karaf 2.3.2 preparation post, I enjoyed listening to Tegan and Sara albums throughout the release process and was delighted to try the Vina Maipo Gran Devocion Cabernet Sauvignon / Syrah 2010. I think the music and wine pairings are really working well for these releases, that being said if anyone has suggestions for future music or wine selections please post them below :)

Apache Karaf 3.0.0.RC2 is next in line as a release candidate - this kit will contain our first OSGi Rev 5 compatibility.

Happy developing!

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